Taking Care of Yourself: Health Tips for People Under 30
Posted: January 25, 2021
The sooner you start healthy lifestyle habits, the better your overall health results are likely to be. In your 20s, it's easy to take your faster metabolism and higher energy levels for granted, as well as put fitness on the back burner. But early adulthood is the time to start developing healthy routines, as it can have a significant effect on how well we age. ...
Keeping Health Coverage While Between Jobs
Posted: January 10, 2021
Health insurance is not just nice to have – it is essential to your family’s well-being. If you are between jobs, you have several options for keeping health coverage until you start a new position. COBRA “COBRA” stands for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. This law gives workers who lose or leave their jobs the right to continue group health benefits for a limited...
Staying Mentally Healthy During The Winter Months
Posted: December 25, 2020
It’s easy to get the blues during the winter, particularly when the holidays are over. The skies are gray, the weather is cold, and it is more challenging to go outdoors and socialize with others. Some people solve this problem by wintering in warmer climates. If you don’t have that luxury, the following tips can help you make it through the winter months in a...
What Happens When My Kids Need Their Own Health Insurance?
Posted: December 10, 2020
As parents we provide for our children’s basic needs. That includes health insurance, so they have access to the medical care they need, when they need it. However, kids grow up, and there comes a time when they need their own health insurance. Here is some information that could help you and your child with the transition. At What Age Do Kids Need Their Own...